The word professional traditionally means a person who has obtained a degree in a professional field. The term professional is used more generally to denote a white collar working person, or a person who performs commercially in a field.
An operationally responsive organization is one that is consistently effective in making appropriate and timely decisions about individual customer requests, short term fluctuations in conditions, changes in the overall business.
Quality assurance is the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service or facility to maximize the probability that minimum standards of quality are being attained by the production process.
We are providing Tax & Accounting Consulting to small businesses as well as individuals all across USA since 1992.Our clients come from all walks of life and various trades & businesses.Healthcare services, IT consultants, Restaurants, Auto Workshops, Grocery Stores, Importers Exporters, we service them all, Large or Small.We suggest the right way according to IRS Laws.Nobody should lie about income to save Taxes.Our Motto is to provide light to the world to go the right way.Nobody should lie about income to save Taxes.Our Motto is to provide light to the world.